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Brain Awareness Week

Brain Awareness Week  2023 takes place from 13 Mar 2023 - 19 Mar 2023. This is an annual awareness campaign, co-ordinated by the Neurological Alliance of Ireland (NAI), to promote greater awareness and understanding of the brain and brain conditions. The theme that has been adopted for Brain Awareness Week 2023 is Invest In Brain Health.

As a member of the NAI, The Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland supports #BrainAwarenessWeek2023 and the overall theme of #InvestInBrainHealth. 

Events are taking place throughout the month of March  organised by over thirty partner organisations as part of the NAI’s Love Your Brain campaign. For a full list visit NAI’s dedicated website

Events specifically for people impacted by Huntington's include:

HD Café, Bloomfield Health Services, Dublin

Bloomfield Hospital together with the Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland will host a HD Café evening for people impacted by Huntington’s disease on Wednesday 22nd March at 7pm. For further details contact HDAI:

HD Family Voices Webinar

The Huntington’s Disease UK and Ireland Alliance will host a Family Voices webinar

“In conversation with Astri Arnesen, President, European Huntington’s Association” on Thursday 23 March at 7pm. Register here 

HD Members Support Meeting and Lunch, Cork

The Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland will host a support meeting followed by lunch in Cork city centre on Saturday March 25th from 11am for people impacted by Huntington’s disease. Book your seat by emailing us at:


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