HD Research Study Galway
Clinicians and researchers from Galway University Hospital, Galway Neuroscience Centre, and the University of Galway have joined an international group of clinician-scientists interested in supporting people with Huntington’s Disease at the Centre for Neuroimaging, Cognition, and Genomics. Some people with HD can struggle to understand other people's thoughts and emotions, and this may happen at a very early stage, before any other symptoms. These problems can negatively affect social interaction, relationships, and the well-being of people with HD, their families, companions, and carers. We are inviting people with Huntington’s disease (HD), plus their close others (e.g. partners/family/friends/carers) who don’t have HD, to participate in a new study.
The study has different parts which involve either questionnaires, or cognitive tasks. You can choose which parts of the study to take part in. Questionnaires can be completed by hand, on a computer, or over the telephone, and returned by email or post. Other tasks can be completed online (e.g., Zoom), or in person.
If you would like to find out more about ASPIRE-HD, register interest to participate, or find out about our other research (brain imaging, neurophysiology, and genetic markers in Huntington’s disease), you can email the Principal Investigator Dr Tom Burke or a member of the team at: huntingtons@universityofgalway.ie