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Huntington's Disease Awareness May 2021


Light It Up For HD

May is Huntington's Disease Awareness month.  #LightItUp4HD is one of our annual events where Huntington’s Disease Association of Ireland (HDAI) joins other international organisations to raise awareness for Huntington’s Disease.

Iconic buildings in Ireland and around the world light up in purple (or purple and blue) to support the annual  #LightItUp4HD campaign


May 2021 Building Dates include:

The Mansion House - May 11th ,  Convention Centre Dublin May 7th (to be confirmed),  Carmichael Centre TBC, Rock of Cashel May 15th

You can support this international #LightItUp4HD campaign by sharing our Awareness Poster or wear purple and share your photo on social media using #LightItUp4HD.

Ask buildings in your county to light up or if you live near those lighting up take a selfie and share 

If you have any ideas for raising awareness or holding a fundraising event we would be delighted to hear from you.

Contact or see the Huntington's Disease Association of Ireland Facebook page for more information.


The Mansion House, 3Arena, The Convention Centre Dublin, County Buildings, Tralee, Killarney Town Hall, Dublin City Council buildings, Carmichael Centre,  Rock of Cashel, Bloomfield Hospital, Life Pharmacy Ballsbridge, Christchurch Cathedral, Donegal County Council, Dublin City Council, Kerry County Council and Kildare County Council are among the buildings and organisations who have kindly supported our Light Up campaign over the years.



Lord Mayor of Dublin , Mícheál MacDonncha (2018) Brendan Carr (2017) and Criona Ni Dhalaigh (2016)  have also kindly showed their support for the   LightItUp4HD initiative.  See International coverage of Light Ups