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National Rare Disease Strategy for Ireland Public Consultation

Contribute to development of the new National Rare Disease Strategy

A Public Consultation to inform development of the new National Rare Disease Strategy has been launched by Minister for Health Minister, Stephen Donnelly. All stakeholders including Patients, Families, Carers and Patient Advocacy Groups are asked to contribute to the on-going strategy development work through the public consultation. The consultation is open until 29th July. It is crucial that everyone takes this opportunity to contribute. Please share this message with people you know who are impacted by Huntington's disease or other rare diseases.  
The Department of Health is managing the Public Consultation. Information on the process, including how to contribute to the consultation via email or post, is available at this link:  Public Consultation for the development of the new National Rare Disease Strategy (

Complete online: Patient, Family or Caregiver Survey 

Queries on the consultation process should be addressed to the Department of Health at 


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