The Huntington's Disease Association of Ireland (HDAI) is a national voluntary organisation providing information, support and advocacy to people impacted by Huntington's Disease. Information and training is also available to those who work with people affected by the condition.
Services include:
- A national helpline for people with HD, people at risk, carers and family members
- A Family Support Officer available to talk to and meet family members on request
- Access to counselling
- Support Group meetings, information events and carers workshops
- An annual information meeting and respite weekend
- HD Specific publications - see Information including Facing Huntington's Disease : A Handbook for Families and Friends
- Quarterly newsletters and an annual magazine Hope Annual
- An assistance fund available to families in need
- Loan of specialised seating and equipment
- Information seminars for health and social care professionals
- HDAI represents the views of HD families internationally through organisations including the European Huntington Association and the International Huntington's Association and nationally through relevant umbrella organisations